List of the vehicles

China Railway Corporation, Industrial transport locomotives

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Model Serial type Works number Built Note
1528 21E1 1960 Fushun Mining Railway
1505 37E 37E1
1525 37E 37E1 1960 Fushun Mining Group
1526 37E 37E1 1960 Fushun Mining Group
NY1003-15409 DB 212 (V100)
DF-1210 DF (东风) Химический завод Наньнин
DF-1227 DF (东风) Химический завод Наньнин
DF-1587 DF (东风) Стальной рынок Наньнин Хуцю
DF-1683 DF (东风) Юньнаньской медеплавильный завод
DF-1846 DF (东风) Стальной рынок Наньнин Хуцю
DF-2012 DF (东风) Юньнаньской медеплавильный завод
DF-2026 DF (东风) Юньнаньской медеплавильномый завод
DF7G-5116 DF7
EL1-5 EL1 Аньшаньский металлургический комбинат
EL1-1502 EL1 1981 Hegang Mining Railway
EL1-1515 EL1 Benxi Steelworks
EL1-1707 EL1 9219 1960 Fushun Mining Group
EL1-1708 EL1 Fushun Mining Group
EL1-1709 EL1 Fushun Mining Group
EL1-1710 EL1 Fushun Mining Group
118 EL2
EL2-128 EL2
EL2-2302 EL2 Hegang Mining Railway
EL2-2303 EL2 Hegang Mining Railway
819 IVKP1
869 IVKP1A / 2A (B, V)
Кв4-120 Kv4 6569 1952 Suiling Forestry Railway
SY 0902 SY

Records shown: 29 of 29

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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