List of the vehicles

Gorky Railway, Kanash suburban depot (TChPRIG-18), ACh2

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
АЧ2-007 91M1 91121/91162/91163 17.06.1988 03.2017
АЧ2-008 91M1 91122/91164/91165 19.06.1988 2013
АЧ2-010 91M1 91124/91168/91169 13460902 06.1988 04.2017
АЧ2-011 91M1 91125/91170/91171 29.06.1988 Консервация
АЧ2-013 91M1 91127/91174/91175 05.07.1988 07.2016
АЧ2-015 91M1 91129/91178/91179 14.07.1988
АЧ2-018 91M1 91132/91184/91185 23.07.1988
АЧ2-019 91M1 91133/91186/91187 26.07.1988
АЧ2-020 91M1 91134/91188/91189 17502238 29.07.1988 2015
АЧ2-022 91M1 91136/91192/91193 08.08.1988
АЧ2-023 91M1 91137/91194/91195 17510157 10.08.1988
АЧ2-056 91M2 91376/91262/91263 26.03.1989 03.2017
АЧ2М-058 91M2 91378/91266/91267 17511155 04.04.1989 2011

Orphan Units

Serial type Works number Built
АПЧ2-006-2 91M1 91160 06.1988
АПЧ2-006-4 91M1 91161 06.1988

Records shown: 15 of 17

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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