List of the vehicles

ČSD — Československé státní dráhy (1945-1993), LD Praha Jih, 163 (E 499.3)

Praha hlavní nádraží; Praha Masarykovo nádraží; Praha-Libeň; Praha ONJ; Praha-Smíchov; Praha-Vršovice

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number Built Left/written off
E499.3023 71E2 8156 1985 1988
E499.3025 71E2 8158 1985 1987
E499.3039 71E2 8172 1985 1988
E499.3022 71E2 8155 1985 1988
E499.3021 71E2 8154 1985 1988
E499.3031 71E2 8164 1986 1988
E499.3032 71E2 8165 1986 1988
E499.3027 71E2 8160 1986 1988
E499.3033 71E2 8166 1986 1988
E499.3036 71E2 8169 1986 1988
E499.3038 71E2 8171 1986 1988
E499.3028 71E2 8161 1986 1988
E499.3029 71E2 8162 1986 1988
E499.3040 71E2 8173 1986 1988
E499.3035 71E2 8168 1986 1988
E499.3034 71E2 8167 1986 1988
E499.3026 71E2 8159 1986 1988

Records shown: 17 of 17

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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