List of the vehicles

Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway, TChE-12 Sennaya, 2TE25KM

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off
2ТЭ25КМ-0026 15188105/15188113 28.08.2015 04.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0027 15188006/15188014 17.09.2015 05.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0028 15188022/15188030 09.09.2015 05.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0029 15188048/15188055 2015 05.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0030 15188063/15188071 14.09.2015 04.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0031 15188089/15188097 16.09.2015 05.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0032 15188121/15188139 28.09.2015 04.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0033 15188147/15188154 2015 05.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0068 16139446/16139453 24.12.2015 04.2018
2ТЭ25КМ-0084 16139768/16139776 12.02.2016 03.2021
2ТЭ25КМ-0085 16139784/16139792 12.02.2016 06.2020
2ТЭ25КМ-0086 16139800/16139818 12.02.2016 01.2019
2ТЭ25КМ-0087 16139826/16139834 12.02.2016 01.2019
2ТЭ25КМ-0088 16139842/16139859 12.02.2016 03.2021
2ТЭ25КМ-0089 16139867/16139875 17.02.2016 06.2020
2ТЭ25КМ-0090 16139883/16139891 18.02.2016 03.2021
2ТЭ25КМ-0091 16139909/16139917 18.02.2016 03.2021
2ТЭ25КМ-0092 16139925/1619933 18.02.2016 ≈ 2020
2ТЭ25КМ-0093 16139941/16139958 18.02.2016 06.2021
2ТЭ25КМ-0099 16140063/16140071 04.04.2016 03.2021
2ТЭ25КМ-0100 16140089/16140097 06.04.2016 06.2020
2ТЭ25КМ-0100 16140089/16140097 06.04.2016 ≈ 2021

Records shown: 22 of 22

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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