List of the vehicles

Kuybyshev Railway, TChE-19 Ufa, VL10

В 2009 — образовано после отделения ТЧР-18 Дёма (Куйбышевская дирекция по ремонту ТПС) и ТЧПРИГ-21 Дёма (Куйбышевская ДОПприг)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off
ВЛ10-289 12205779/12205787 11.1970 11.2019
ВЛ10-292 12205837/12205845 11.1970 04.2019
ВЛ10-389 12207775/12207783 11.1971 09.2021
ВЛ10-975 09.1972 08.2013
ВЛ10-1048 12220950/12220968 02.1973 04.2013
ВЛ10-1285 12225694/12225702 05.1974 01.2014
ВЛ10-1345 12226890/12226908 16.12.1974 11.2018
ВЛ10-1351 12227013/12227021 12.1974 04.05.2018
ВЛ10-1431 12228615/12228623 08.1975
ВЛ10-1496 12229910/12229928 03.1976 12.2015
ВЛ10-1499 12229977/12229985 03.1976 04.2013
ВЛ10-1565 12231296/12231304 23.08.1973 08.2023
ВЛ10-1613 12232252/12232260 01.1974 01.2015
ВЛ10-1670 12233391/12233409 08.1974 2017
ВЛ10-1703 12234050/12234068 11.1974 08.2020
ВЛ10-1735 12234696/12234704 27.03.1975
ВЛ10-1802 12236030/12236048 10.1975 10.2015
ВЛ10-1803 12236055/12236063 10.1975 01.2014
ВЛ10-1804 12236071/12236089 10.1975 04.2014
ВЛ10-1806 12236113/12236121 11.1975 23.04.2018
ВЛ10-1807 12236139/12236147 11.1975 01.2015
ВЛ10-1808 12236154/12236162 11.1975 12.2015
ВЛ10-1809 12236170/12236188 11.1975 01.2017
ВЛ10-1810 12236196/12236204 11.1975 04.05.2018
ВЛ10-1815 12236295/12236303 12.1975 08.2015
ВЛ10-1816 12236311/12236329 12.1975 04.2013
ВЛ10-1866 12237319/12237327 04.1976 04.05.2018

Records shown: 27 of 27

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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