List of the vehicles

Polish State Railways (PKP), Kraków, ST43 (060-DA)

DOKP POŁUDNIOWA (Южный регион)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number Built Left/written off
ST43-01 LDE2100 204 1965 06.1990
ST43-28 LDE2100 231 1965 01.1975
ST43-49 LDE2100 362 1966 02.1976
ST43-57 LDE2100 370 1966 07.1976
ST43-60 LDE2100 373 1966 23.10.1998
ST43-106 LDE2100 512 1967 06.1975
ST43-122 LDE2100 600 1968 09.1981
ST43-155 LDE2100 673 1968 ????
ST43-159 LDE2100 749 1969 ????
ST43-213 LDE2100 893 1970 01.1975
ST43-213 LDE2100 893 1970 22.12.1998
ST43-224 LDE2100 904 1970 01.1975
ST43-227 LDE2100 907 1970 01.1975
ST43-228 LDE2100 908 1970 01.1975
ST43-229 LDE2100 909 1970 01.1975
ST43-231 LDE2100 911 1970 01.1975
ST43-232 LDE2100 912 1970 01.1975
ST43-233 LDE2100 913 1970 01.1975
ST43-234 LDE2100 914 1970 01.1975
ST43-278 LDE2100 1213 1972 01.1975
ST43-279 LDE2100 1214 1972 01.1975
ST43-280 LDE2100 1215 1972 01.1975
ST43-281 LDE2100 1216 1972 05.1975
ST43-282 LDE2100 1217 1972 01.1975
ST43-283 LDE2100 1218 1972 01.1975
ST43-284 LDE2100 1219 1972 01.1975
ST43-285 LDE2100 1220 1972 01.1975
ST43-286 LDE2100 1221 1972 01.1975
ST43-287 LDE2100 1222 1972 01.1975
ST43-287 LDE2100 1222 1972 30.09.1999
ST43-306 LDE2100 1258 1972 08.1989
ST43-316 LDE2100 1269 1973 01.1975
ST43-317 LDE2100 1270 1973 01.1975
ST43-345 LDE2100 1298 1973 07.1989
ST43-360 LDE2100 1407 1973 01.1989
ST43-373 LDE2100 1420 1974 30.09.1999
ST43-389 LDE2100 1436 1974 ????
ST43-397 LDE2100 1672 1975 01.1989
ST43-398 LDE2100 1673 1975 02.2001
ST43-412 LDE2100 1777 1977 01.10.2000
ST43-422 LDE2100 1847 1978 12.1989

Records shown: 41 of 41

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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