List of the vehicles

Polish State Railways (PKP), Malbork, EN57

DOKP POŁNOCNA (Северный регион)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number Built Left/written off
EN57-631 5B/6B 1967 10.1987
EN57-662 5B/6B 1967 ????
EN57-706 5B/6B 706 1968 08.1993
EN57-706 5B/6B 706 1968 09.1993
EN57-711 5B/6B 1968 07.1997
EN57-726 5B/6B 259 1969 12.1994
EN57-727 5B/6B 1969 12.1994
EN57-728 5B/6B 261 02.1969 01.1995
EN57-736 5B/6B 269 1969 01.1995
EN57-737 5B/6B 270 04.1969 01.1995
EN57-763 5B/6B 297 1970 01.1995
EN57-794 5B/6B 1970 01.1995
EN57-865 5B/6B 1972 01.1995
EN57-877 5B/6B 410 1972 01.1995
EN57-912 5B/6B 445 1972 01.1995
EN57-930 5B/6B 1973 01.1995
EN57-946 5B/6B 1973 01.1995
EN57-965 5B/6B 10.1973 01.1995
EN57-969 5B/6B 502 1973 01.1995
EN57-973 5B/6B 506 1973 01.1995
EN57-1052 5B/6B 581 1975 07.1997
EN57-1097 5B/6B 630 1976 10.1994
EN57-1108 5B/6B 642 04.1976 12.1994
EN57-1157 5Bk/6Bk 1977 01.1995
EN57-1183 5Bk/6Bk 717 1977 01.1995
EN57-1184 5Bk/6Bk 62 1977 01.1995
EN57-1185 5Bk/6Bk 719 10.1977 01.1995
EN57-1617 5Bk/6Bk 495 08.1985 01.1995
EN57-1617 5Bk/6Bk 495 08.1985 04.1999
EN57-765 5B/6B 06.1970 01.1995
EN57-1331 5Bk/6Bk 209 11.1979 02.1997
EN57-1691 5Bk/6Bk 569 1987 01.1995

Records shown: 32 of 32

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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