List of the vehicles

Krasnoyarsk Railway, Sayanogorsk Aluminium Smelter

АО "РУСАЛ", Хакасия, Саяногорск

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Model Serial type Works number ID number Built
Д1-796 D1 1988
Д1-797 D1 1988
ДПСаАЗ-0001 DDB1 63-322 04.2000
ДГку-4074 DGKu 1984
КДЭ163-4583 KDE163 1985
КЖДЭ16-1873 KZhDE16 1992
ДМ62-1811 M62, DM62 6550 1101811 1990
ДМ62-1815 M62, DM62 059 1990
ДМ62-1857 M62, DM62 6927 1992
ТЭМ15-100 TEM15 15301005 1990
ТЭМ15-169 TEM15 1992
ТЭМ18-025 TEM18 1995
ТЭМ18Д-111 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15900111 2006
ТЭМ18Д-112 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15471121 2006
ТЭМ18ДМ-3404 TEM18D, TEM18DM 10.2022
ТЭМ18ДМ-3411 TEM18D, TEM18DM 10.2022
ТЭМ2-7632 TEM2, TEM2A 1984
ТЭМ2У-8049 TEM2U 1985

Records shown: 18 of 18

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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