List of the vehicles

October Railway, PTU Leningradslanetc

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
АГМу-7806 AGMu
ДГку-2367 DGKu 1979
Эл.1303 E 9555 1629 10.1914 1977
Эш.4200 E 1385 1922
Эш.4447 E 09.1924
Эк.6011 E 148 5356 03.10.1923 1977
Эу677-39 Eu, Em, Er 1926
Эу682-84 Eu, Em, Er 3107 14.09.1928 1980
Эу683-86 Eu, Em, Er 2594 14.12.1928
Эм716-82 Eu, Em, Er 3316 01.1932
Эм719-66 Eu, Em, Er 1932
Эм720-91 Eu, Em, Er 1932 1980
Эм730-36 Eu, Em, Er 3105 1934
Эр770-95 Eu, Em, Er 1950 ????
КДЭ163-3034 KDE163 1980
КДЭ251-246 KDE251 1968
324.075 MÁV 324 3905 1910 1952
324.724 MÁV 324 1918 1951
Т324.777 MÁV 324 1919
Ну.13 N
Нп.29 N 1952
Ша-32 S160 69940 1943
Щ.46 Shc 1915
Щ.326 Shc 1912
Щ.544 Shc
Щ.672 Shc
ТЭМ2-1725 TEM2, TEM2A 15307887 1974 ????
ТЭМ2-5426 TEM2, TEM2A 15389175 1976 2010
ТЭМ2-5615 TEM2, TEM2A 1977 ????
ТЭМ2-5906 TEM2, TEM2A 15307317 08.1978 ????
ТЭМ2-6642 TEM2, TEM2A 1981
ТЭМ2УМ-135 TEM2UM 15450000 1989 09.2015
ТГМ1-1135 TGM1 1962 ????
ТГМ4А-1627 TGM4A, TGM4L 1982 11.2005
ТГМ6А-1001 TGM6, TGM6A 1978 11.2009
ТГМ6А-1011 TGM6, TGM6A 1978
ТГМ6А-1237 TGM6, TGM6A 1979 11.2009
K5-889 Tk3 (K5) 429 1930
ТУ8-0355 TU8 04.1989 Шахта "Ленинградская"
ТУ8-0363 TU8 1990 шахта "Ленинградская"

Records shown: 41 of 41

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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