List of the vehicles

North Caucasus Railway, TChE-12 Krasnodar, 2TE116

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Note
2ТЭ116-170 16843393/16843401 31.03.1975 08.2023 170А/259Б
2ТЭ116-219 16844375/16844383 1976 ≈ 05.2024
2ТЭ116-255 16845091/16845109 21.09.1976 2013
2ТЭ116-259 16845174/16845182 30.09.1976 08.2023 170А/259Б
2ТЭ116-335 16846693/16846701 02.1978 ≈ 05.2024
2ТЭ116-345 16846891/16846909 28.04.1978 01.2023
2ТЭ116-375 16847493/16847501 1978 03.2015
2ТЭ116-426 16848517/16848525 1979 03.2024
2ТЭ116-443 16848855/16848863 25.06.1979 ≤ 04.2022
2ТЭ116-448 16848954/16848962 31.07.1979 2022 -> 2ТЭ116-008
2ТЭ116-449 16848970/16848988 1979 01.2023 mod -> 2ТЭ116-009
2ТЭ116-460 16849192/16849200 1979 01.2015
2ТЭ116-486 16849713/16849721 1979 10.2022
2ТЭ116-510 16850190/16850208 1980
2ТЭ116-558 16851156/16851164 1980 2023
2ТЭ116-581 16851610/16851628 09.1980 05.2023 Аренда ГУП ДНР "Донецкая железная дорога"
2ТЭ116-648 16852956/16852964 1981
2ТЭ116-1065 16861296/16861304 20.09.1985
2ТЭ116-1166 16863318/16863326 31.07.1986 06.2023
2ТЭ116-1248 16864951/16864969 15.05.1987 ≤ 10.2023
2ТЭ116-1296 16865917/16865925 10.1987 03.2024
2ТЭ116-1302 16866030/16866048 1987
2ТЭ116-1430 16868598/16868606 1988 10.2016
2ТЭ116-1446 16868911/16868929 1988 ≈ 11.2024
2ТЭ116-1660 16873192/16873200 1993 ????
2ТЭ116-1661 16873218/16873226 1993 ≈ 11.2007
2ТЭ116-1661 16873218/16873226 1993 02.2023
2ТЭ116-1662 16873234/16873242 1993 ????

Records shown: 28 of 28

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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