List of the vehicles

Moscow Railway, Stroyenergomontazh LLC

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Model ID number Built
АДМ-486 ADM 17444860
АДМ-844 ADM 17532672
АДМ-846 ADM 17532664 1989
АДМ1М-262 ADM1 17442625 1993
АДМ1-545 ADM1
АДМ1-583 ADM1 17445834 06.2000
АДМ1-635 ADM1 17446352 11.2000
АДМ1-697 ADM1 17517046
АДМ1.5Б-1038 ADM1 17450388 06.2006
1АДМ1.3-1092 ADM1 17525064 2004
1АДМ1.3-1163 ADM1 17451634 2005
1АДМ1.3-1622 ADM1
АГВ-859 AGV 1979
АВФ1-007 AVF1 00000007
КЖДЭ16-684 KZhDE16 1987
МС1Г-029 MS1G 00000029 2011

Records shown: 17 of 17

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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