List of the vehicles

Sverdlovsk Railway, Pilva forest railway

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Works number Built Left/written off Note
б/н (нет в списке)
ЭСУ1А-??? ESU1
ЭСУ2А-471 ESU2 1982
МД54-4 5087 MD54-4 1974
ПТ4-067 PT4 254 1946
С2-750 S2-750
С2-750 S2-750
С2-750 S2-750
ТУ4-???? TU4
ТУ6Д-0164 TU6D 1983
ТУ6П-0030 TU6P 1988
ТУ6П-0032 TU6P 1988 1995
ТУ7-2197 TU7 1983 1995
ТУ8-0198 TU8 1988 2004
ТУ8-0216 TU8 1988 1997
ТУ8-0245 TU8 1988 1992
ТУ8-0259 TU8 1988 1995
ТУ8-0264 TU8 1988 1998
ТУ8-0381 TU8 1990 1994
ТУ8-0430 TU8 1991 1995
ТУ8-0431 TU8 1991 2004
ТУ8-0435 TU8 1991
ТУ8-0441 TU8 1991 2004
ТУ8-0505 TU8 1992 2007
ТУ8-0506 TU8 1992 2007
ТУ8-0509 TU8 1992
ТУ8-0510 TU8 1992
ТУ8-0511 TU8 1992
ТУ8-0529 TU8 1992 2004
ВП1-052 VP 1947 л/о Кушмангорт

Records shown: 30 of 30

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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