List of the vehicles

October Railway, JSK "Severo-Zapadny Promzheldortrans", TGM4

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Note
ТГМ4-319 15675028 1974 Тверь
ТГМ4-1120 15676752 1978
ТГМ4-1202 15675713 1979
ТГМ4-1214 05.1979 Тверь
ТГМ4-1229 06.1979
ТГМ4-1260 15675739 1979
ТГМ4-1299 15675648 1979
ТГМ4-1379 15677941 1980 ???? Тверское ППЖТ
ТГМ4-1486 15676802 1981
ТГМ4-1567 1981 01.2018 Тверь
ТГМ4-1614 15676794 1981 Тверское ППЖТ
ТГМ4-1956 15675689 1983
ТГМ4-2068 15675267 04.1984 Ремонт ООО "ПЛРК"
ТГМ4-2118 1984 Тверьпромжелдортранс
ТГМ4-2205 1985 Тверское ППЖТ
ТГМ4-2281 15676778 1985
ТГМ4-2510 1986
ТГМ4-2611 15675309 1987
ТГМ4-2747 15675663 1987
ТГМ4-2865 15676786 1988 Тверское ППЖТ
ТГМ4-2912 15675622 1988
ТГМ4-3035 15675630 1989
ТГМ4-3133 15675671 1989
ТГМ4-3134 15675291 1989

Records shown: 24 of 24

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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