List of the vehicles

Kuybyshev Railway, PMS-208 Kinel

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model ID number Built Left/written off
БУМ-027 BUM 19570274 1991
ЭЛБ1-035 ELB1 2017
ЭЛБ1Р-036 ELB1
ЭЛБ4К-036 ELB3MK, ELB4 19501469
КДЭ161-161 KDE161 1965
КЖ562А-164 KZh562 04.2008
МПД-576 MPD 19035765
МПД-577 MPD 19035773
МПД-1011 MPD ≈ 11.2016
МПД-1240 MPD 19042407
МПД2-206 MPD2 19052067
МПД2-305 MPD2 19048057
МПД2М1-329 MPD2 19048297
МПД2М1-372 MPD2 19048727
МПК-101 MPK 19423490 2019
ПР-548 PR 19085489
ПР-557 PR 19085570 2002
ПР-558 PR 19085588 2002
ПРБ-005 PRB 19610054 2017
СС1-027 SS1 2017
ТГК2-5656 TGK2, TGK2-1 1980
ТГК2-6957 TGK2, TGK2-1 1984
УК25/25-005 UK25/25 19015056
УК25/25-089 UK25/25 19005925 (19015890) 2019
УК25/18 334 UK25/9-18 19003342
УК25/9-18 504 UK25/9-18 19005040
УК25/9-18 773 UK25/9-18 19007731; 19009042
УК25/9-18 794 UK25/9-18 19007947
УК25СПМ-508 UK25SP 19005081 ≈ 11.2016
ВПО-3-3000 010 VPO-3-3000 19506104
ВПО-С-050 VPO-S 19504661
ВПО3000-043 VPO3000 19500438
ВПО3000-162 VPO3000 19501626
ВПО3000-281 VPO3000 19502814
ВПР02К-012 VPR02, VPR02K 1989
ВПР02-132 VPR02, VPR02K 1992 2017
ВПР02-159 VPR02, VPR02K 19521590 1992 2017
ВПР02К-171 VPR02, VPR02K 19521715 1994 2016
ПБ-521 ПБ 1995 2017
ПБ-531 ПБ 19755313 1996 ????

Records shown: 43 of 43

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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