List of the vehicles

Gorky Railway, Agryz machine-track station (PMS-109)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Works number ID number Built Left/written off
ЭЛБ3МК-001 ELB3MK, ELB4 19110014 1995
ЭЛБ4К-032 ELB3MK, ELB4 19110329
КДЭ163-4232 KDE163 1984
КЖДЭ25-662 KZhDE25 1993
МПД-349 MPD 2017
МПД-624 MPD 19036243
МПД-889 MPD 19038892
МПД-1199 MPD 19041995
МПД2-155 MPD2 19051556 11.2016
МПД2-197 MPD2 19051978 07.1993
МПД2-300 MPD2
МПД2М1-330 MPD2 19401652(19048305)
ППК2В-19 PPK2V 19/47 01.2006 ????
ППК2В-46 PPK2V 12.2005
ППК3В-05 PPK3V 12.2005 ????
ПР-032 PR 12.2005
ПР-033 PR 12.2005
РПБ01-022 RPB01 19100619 ????
ЩОМ-Д-037 ShcOM-D 2017
УК25/18 173 UK25/9-18 2016
УК25/9-18 427 UK25/9-18 19004274 ≈ 11.2016
УК25/9-18 427 UK25/9-18 19004274
УК25/9-18 642 UK25/9-18 19006428
УК25/9-18 729 UK25/9-18 19007293 2002
ВПО3000М-286 VPO3000 19502863 1979
ВПО3000-528 VPO3000 19505288 ????

Records shown: 26 of 26

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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