List of the vehicles

October Railway, PMS-199 Rzhev

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Works number ID number Built Left/written off
2М62-0032 2M62 2676/2681 1976 09.1997
АС3М-0019 AS3M 1993
ЭЛБ1-118/121 ELB1 1936
ЭЛБ3-029 ELB3 19102292 1956
КШЗ-002 KShZ 06.1990
КЖДЭ16-1951 KZhDE16 1993
М62-1169 M62, DM62 1283 15101694 1971 1995
МПД-176 MPD 1960
МПД-602 MPD 1975
МПД-1041 MPD 1983
МПД-1047 MPD 1983 ≈ 11.2016
МПД-1146 MPD 19425586 1985
МПД-1204 MPD 19042043 1986
МПД-1213 MPD 1986
МПД2-004 MPD2
МПД2-164 MPD2 19041649 1992
МПД2-253 MPD2 19009760(19042530) 01.2006
МПК-001 MPK 19084144 09.2017
МПК-048 MPK 19084615 2018
СС1-082 SS1 1958
СС1М-052 SS1M 19203520 03.1998 ????
ТГК2-4222 TGK2, TGK2-1 1975 01.1990
УК25/18 163 UK25/9-18 1980
УК25/18 397 UK25/9-18 1986
УК25/18 398 UK25/9-18 ≈ 11.2016
УК25/9-18 514 UK25/9-18 19005149 1990
ВПО3000-208 VPO3000 1976
ВПО3000-280 VPO3000 1979
ВПО3000-303 VPO3000 19503036 1980
ВПО3000-355 VPO3000 19503556 1982

Records shown: 30 of 30

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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