List of the vehicles

Moscow Railway, Bryansk-I suburban depot (TChPRIG-45), TEP60

Московская дирекция МВПС
До 04.2012 — структурное подразделение Московской моторвагонной дирекции
До 07.2009 — Брянская ДОППр

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Works number ID number Built Left/written off
ТЭП60-0647 1561 1974 1995
ТЭП60-0648 1562 1974 1995
ТЭП60-0651 1565 1974 1995
ТЭП60-0838 1799 1978 199?
ТЭП60-0952 1980 ????
ТЭП60-0953 1980 ????
ТЭП60-1024 2012 1981 ????
ТЭП60-1026 2014 1981 ????
ТЭП60-1027 2015 1981 ????
ТЭП60-1028 2016 1981 ????
ТЭП60-1029 2037 15030299 1982 ≈ 1986
ТЭП60-1030 15030307 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1031 2039 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1032 2040 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1033 2041 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1069 2080 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1070 2081 15030703 1982 ≈ 1989
ТЭП60-1071 2082 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1072 2083 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1073 2084 1982 ≈ 1986
ТЭП60-1074 2085 15030745 1982 ????
ТЭП60-1106 2117 15031065 1983 ????
ТЭП60-1107 2118 1983 ????
ТЭП60-1108 2119 1983 ????
ТЭП60-1109 2121 1983 ????
ТЭП60-1110 2122 1983 ????
ТЭП60-1198 2215 1984 ????
ТЭП60-1199 2216 1984 ????
ТЭП60-1200 2217 1984 ≈ 11.1990
ТЭП60-1201 1984 1995
ТЭП60-1202 1984 1995

Records shown: 31 of 31

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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