List of the vehicles

Kuybyshev Railway, JSC "GazpromNeftehimSalavat"

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
9П-10119 9P 1019 1951
9Пм-350 9Pm 1956 ????
ТЭ-2117 BR 52 (ТЭ) 1943
ТЭ-4769 BR 52 (ТЭ) 1943
Эр792-57 Eu, Em, Er 1956
КЖ462-104 KZh462 08.2013
МПТ4-1047 MPT4 18030478 2001
МПТ4-1346 MPT4 2005
МПТ4-1496 MPT4
СДПМ2-3019 SDP, SDPM, SDPM2 1984 2017
СМ2А-679 SM2 19217132
СМ5-013 SM5 19217132
СО17-4159 SO 1949
СС3-003 SS3 19204031 2003
ТЭ3-6884 TE3 1968
ТЭМ1-0500 TEM1 1962
ТЭМ1-0801 TEM1 1963
ТЭМ18-412 TEM18 15468440 07.2008
ТЭМ18ДМ-3161 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15237043 07.2016
ТЭМ18ДМ-3162 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15237050(15483332) 07.2016
ТЭМ18ДМ-3515 TEM18D, TEM18DM 12.2023
ТЭМ2-1500 TEM2, TEM2A 1973 ≈ 2020
ТЭМ2-2013 TEM2, TEM2A 1969
ТЭМ2-2199 TEM2, TEM2A 1970
ТЭМ2-2275 TEM2, TEM2A 1971
ТЭМ2-2346 TEM2, TEM2A 1971
ТЭМ2-2375 TEM2, TEM2A 1971 ????
ТЭМ2-3346 TEM2, TEM2A 1979
ТЭМ2-5817 TEM2, TEM2A 15312127 1978
ТЭМ2-5878 TEM2, TEM2A 15312143 1978
ТЭМ2-7192 TEM2, TEM2A 15313299 1982 2017
ТЭМ2-7702 TEM2, TEM2A 15312150 1984
ТЭМ2У-8268 TEM2U 15433246 1985
ТЭМ2У-8537 TEM2U 15429319 1986 2017
ТЭМ2У-9128 TEM2U 15433253 1988 СМЕ ТЭМ2У-9128 + ТЭМ2УМ-777
ТЭМ2У-9224 TEM2U 15433261 1988
ТЭМ2У-9353 TEM2U 15433279 1989
ТЭМ2УМ-197 TEM2UM 15452246 11.1989
ТЭМ2УМ-777 TEM2UM 15452238 1992
ТЭМ2УМ-1004 TEM2UM 1993 ????
ТЭМ2УМ-1084 TEM2UM 15452253 2000
ТГМ1-1207 TGM1 1962
ТГМ3Б-980 TGM3
ТГМ40С-0002 TGM40S 1988
ТГМ40С-0017 TGM40S 1988
ВПРС02-160 VPRS02

Records shown: 49 of 49

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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