List of the vehicles

South Urals Railways, Bakalskoye rudoupravleniye

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Works number ID number Built Left/written off
9П-309 9P
9П-9186 9P 986 1951
9П-19477 9P 1977 1954
АГМу-3804 AGMu
АГМу-7194 AGMu
АГМу-8452 AGMu
АГМу-12991 AGMu
АГМу-13705 AGMu
EDK300-189 EDK300 1969
EDK300-432 EDK300 17960 1981
EDK80/1-246 EDK80 1966
EL1-739 EL1 9686 1962
EL2-201 EL2
EL2-202 EL2
EL2-203 EL2
EL2-204 EL2
EL2-205 EL2
EL2-206 EL2
EL2-207 EL2
EL2-208 EL2
EL2-209 EL2
EL2-210 EL2
EL2-265 EL2
EL2-266 EL2
EL2-269 EL2
EL2-271 EL2
EL2-280 EL2
EL2-333 EL2 1961
EL2-334 EL2 1961
EL2-336 EL2
EL2-343 EL2
EL2-345 EL2
EL2-347 EL2 9808 1961 2004
EL2-390 EL2 1963
EL21-003 EL21 1981 04.2017
EL21-005 EL21 1981
EL21-011 EL21 1981
EL21-012 EL21 1981 ????
EL21-013 EL21 1981
EL21-014 EL21 1981
EL21-016 EL21 1981 ????
EL21-017 EL21 10.1981
EL21-018 EL21 1981
EL21-019 EL21 1981 ????
EL21-020 EL21 12.1978 ≈ 2020
EL21-039 EL21 1982 12.2018
EL21-041 EL21
EL21-044 EL21
Эм740-63 Eu, Em, Er 4406 1935
IVКП1А-71 IVKP1A / 2A (B, V)
IVКП1А-132 IVKP1A / 2A (B, V) 1956
IVКП1А-133 IVKP1A / 2A (B, V) 1956
IVКП1А-134 IVKP1A / 2A (B, V) 1956
IVКП1А-135 IVKP1A / 2A (B, V) 1956
IVКП1А-150 IVKP1A / 2A (B, V) 1956
КЖДЭ25-267 KZhDE25 11.1988
МОП MOP 1956
СДПМ-1488 SDP, SDPM, SDPM2 29.08.1965
ШПМ02-760 ShPM02
ТГМ4-968 TGM4 1977
ТГМ4Б-0052 TGM4B 1990
ТГМ6Д-0149 TGM6D 1992
ВЛ22М-1064 VL22 1953
ВЛ22М-1281 VL22 1955
ВЛ22М-1336 VL22 1955
ВЛ22М-1959 VL22 11100005 30.05.1958 2024
ВЛ23-059 VL23 12.1958
ВЛ23-243 VL23 11120003 08.1959

Records shown: 68 of 68

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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