List of the vehicles

DB Regio, Karlsruhe

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
1440 244 Alstom Coradia Continental D041541-04 94 80 1440 244-0 D-DB 2022 1440 244/744
1440 248 Alstom Coradia Continental 94 80 1440 248-1 D-DB 2021
643 012 Bombardier Talent (DMU) 189718 95 80 0643 012-7 D-DB 1999 643 012/512
643 017 Bombardier Talent (DMU) 189733 95 80 0643 017-6 D-DB 1999 643 017/517
643 509 Bombardier Talent (DMU) 189707 95 80 0643 509-2 D-DB 1999 643 009/509
218 296-2 DB 218 (V164) 2000108 1973 03.2006
218 394-5 DB 218 (V164) 2000116 92 80 1218 831-6 D-DB 1975 2005
218 476-0 DB 218 (V164) 19791 92 80 1218 476-0 D-DB 1977 2023
218 480-2 DB 218 (V164) 218 19795 92 80 1218 480-2 D-DB 1977 2016
628 229 DB 628 88686 1988 2007
628 230 DB 628 88688 95 80 0628 230-4 D-DB 1988 2007
628 231 DB 628 88690 1988 2007
628 232 DB 628 88692 1988 2007
628 233 DB 628 88694 95 80 0629 303-8 D-DB 1988 2008
628 265 DB 628 030 95 80 0628 265-0 D-DB 1987 2007
628 266 DB 628 032 95 80 0628 265-0 D-DB 1987 2007
628 267 DB 628 034 1988 2007
628 268 DB 628 036 95 80 0628 268-4 D-DB 1988 2007
628 269 DB 628 038 95 80 0628 269-2 D-DB 1988 2008
628 270 DB 628 040 1988 2008
628 285 DB 628 4062 1988 2005
628 332 DB 628 057 1988 2008
627 001-1 VT 627 VT 627 519 1974 07.2004
627 002-9 VT 627 VT 627 520 1974 15.06.2005
627 003-7 VT 627 VT 627 62701 1974 05.2005
627 004-5 VT 627 VT 627 62702 1975 14.06.2005
627 005-2 VT 627 VT 627 62703 1975 05.2005
627 006-0 VT 627 VT 627 521 1974 15.06.2005
627 007-8 VT 627 VT 627 522 1974 14.06.2005
627 008-6 VT 627 VT 627 523 1974 05.2005

Records shown: 30 of 30

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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