List of the vehicles

Azerbaijan Railways, TEM2U

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ID number Built Left/written off Depot Note
ТЭМ2У-3223 Balagari Морской порт Алят. Фото:
ТЭМ2У-8028 1984 Private
ТЭМ2У-8034 1984 Private Azər Alüminium MMC, Гянджа
ТЭМ2У-8042 1984 Salyani
ТЭМ2У-8072 1985 Salyani
ТЭМ2У-8074 1985 Ganja
ТЭМ2У-8119 1985 Balagari
ТЭМ2У-8122 1985 2020 Salyani
ТЭМ2У-8122 1985 Ganja
ТЭМ2У-8164 1985 Balagari
ТЭМ2У-8168 1985 Balagari
ТЭМ2У-8189 1985 Balagari
ТЭМ2У-8466 1986 Salyani
ТЭМ2У-8468 1986 Ganja
ТЭМ2У-8469 1986 Ganja
ТЭМ2У-8470 1986 Ganja
ТЭМ2У-8476 1986 2021 Salyani
ТЭМ2У-8476 1986 Balagari
ТЭМ2У-8568 1986 Private Гарадагский цеменый завод Holcim
ТЭМ2У-8593 1986 Ganja
ТЭМ2У-8644 15431307 1986 Private Port Absheron logistics
ТЭМ2У-8647 1986 Ganja
ТЭМ2У-8664 1986 Private Бакинский НПЗ им Г.Алиева
ТЭМ2У-8754 1987 Salyani
ТЭМ2У-9006 1987 Private "Azərkimya İB" , г. Сумгаит
ТЭМ2У-9010 1987 Balagari
ТЭМ2У-9016 1987 Balagari
ТЭМ2У-9096 1988 Private Гаджигабульский промышленный парк, посёлок Атбулаг
ТЭМ2У-9198 1988 Private Имишлинский сахарный завод Azersun

Records shown: 29 of 29

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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