List of the vehicles

Hungary, other companies, MAV 377

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Serial type Works number Built Left/written off Depot Note
XVI 29-39 1688 1902 ???? Industrial railways, other Kaposvári Cukorgyár
MEDVE 29-45 1824 1905 Industrial railways, other Győri Szesz és Finomító Rt.
II 29-21 576 1894 ???? Industrial railways, other Mezőhegyesi Cukorgyár
1 29-20 561 1893 08.1905 Other Ungvölgyi HÉV; "Bethlen"
1 29-28 865 1895 1908 SKÜ
1 29-28 865 1895 ÓKÜ
2 29-35 1346 1899 1906 Industrial railways, other Kaláni Bánya- és Kohóművek Rt.
2 29-35 1346 1899 1908 SKÜ
2 29-35 1346 1899 17.09.1967 ÓKÜ
3 29-43 1781 1904 1908 SKÜ
3 29-43 1781 1904 1968 ÓKÜ
377-07 29-52 3419 1914 22.04.1974 Lenin Kohászati Művek
377-08 29-53 4456 1918 1970s Lenin Kohászati Művek
377-09 29-53 4457 1918 1970s Lenin Kohászati Művek
377-10 29-21 576 1894 Industrial railways, other Mezőhegyesi Cukorgyár
377-10 29-26 794 1895 16.02.1966 Lenin Kohászati Művek
14 29-20 561 1893 1970s ÓKÜ
20 29-52 3419 1914 1948 DIMÁVAG
21 29-53 4456 1918 1948 DIMÁVAG
22 29-53 4457 1918 1948 DIMÁVAG
24 29-15 494 1893 1969 ÓKÜ
25 29-36 1434 1900 Industrial railways, other Hungária Kénsavgyár
26 29-36 1435 1900 Industrial railways, other Ipari Robbanóanyaggyár, Peremarton
26 29-35 1414 1899 ≤ 1968 ÓKÜ
27 29-39 1687 1902 1987 Industrial railways, other Ácsi Cukorgyár
27 Weitzer 17 1897 1969 ÓKÜ
27 29-39 1687 1902 ≈ 2021 MÁV Nosztalgia
27 29-39 1687 1902 MÁV Rail Tours
28 OZD 11 1942 29.11.1979 ÓKÜ
30 29-45 1823 1905 ???? Industrial railways, other Vacuum Oil Company Rt., Budapest
30 29-26 794 1895 1948 DIMÁVAG
30 29-45 1823 1905 ???? Industrial railways, other Almásfüzitői Timföldgyár
30 29-45 1823 1905 ???? Industrial railways, other Ercsi Cukorgyár
30 29-45 1823 1905 Memorials Ercsi
41 29-5 332 1890 1969 ÓKÜ
44 29-33 1051 1897 04.01.1970 ÓKÜ
45 29-33 1052 1897 07.1955 ÓKÜ
45 29-33 1052 1897 04.12.1975 SKÜ
46 29-1 287 1889 29.01.1979 ÓKÜ
47 29-22 598 1894 21.04.1976 ÓKÜ
48 29-34 1219 1898 1980 ÓKÜ
49 29-34 1307 1898 17.10.1980 ÓKÜ
50 XIIa 2223 1889 ≤ 1968 ÓKÜ
51 29-31 1028 1896 1983 ÓKÜ
52 29-15 487 1893 1980 ÓKÜ
53 29-33 1155 1897 ≤ 1983 ÓKÜ
101 29-48 2191 1909 11.1950 DNyBV
102 29-50 2860 1911 11.1950 DNyBV
103 29-50 2855 1911 11.1950 DNyBV
104 29-50 2856 1911 11.1950 DNyBV
105 29-51 3089 1912 11.1950 DNyBV
377.269 29-28 870 1895 1984 Industrial railways, other Sarkadi Cukorgyár
377.269 29-28 870 1895 Memorials Békés
377.491 29-50 2855 1911 25.08.1970 Industrial railways, other Országos Szeszipari Vállalat
377.493 29-51 3089 1912 ≈ 2021 MÁV Nosztalgia Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park
377.493 29-51 3089 1912 MÁV Rail Tours Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park
377.504 29-52 3419 1914 04.1952 NIK Diósgyőr
377.505 29-53 4456 1918 04.1952 NIK Diósgyőr
377.506 29-53 4457 1918 04.1952 NIK Diósgyőr
377.507 29-26 794 1895 04.1952 NIK Diósgyőr
377.701 29-40 1728 1903 16.09.1965 Industrial railways, other Lőrinci Hengermű
377.702 29-45 1825 1905 17.04.1971 Industrial railways, other Kelenföldi Erőmű
377.703 29-47 1856 1906 Industrial railways, other Kaposvári Cukorgyár

Records shown: 63 of 63

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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