List of the vehicles

October Railway, KZh562

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Built Left/written off Depot Note
КЖ562-1 2004
КЖ562-19 Fosforit
КЖ562-36 2005 Apatit
КЖ562-39 2005 Private АО "Пикалёвский цемент"
КЖ562-40 2005 Pikaliovo
КЖ562-68 05.2006 MA MTS training base
КЖ562-90 09.2006 PChM St. Petersberg
КЖ562А-121 2007 Nigozero
КЖ562А-163 2008 Velikie Luki
КЖ562А-169 2008 Service ПЧ-6 Ржев
КЖ562А-182 2008 Velikie Luki
КЖ562А-192 ≈ 11.2015 VChD-14 Tver
КЖ562А-192 PChM St. Petersberg
КЖ562-193 2008 ???? Private Калининская АЭС
КЖ562-220 2011 JSC "Karelskiy okatysh" №22

Records shown: 15 of 15

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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