List of the vehicles

Kuybyshev Railway, ASG30P

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Depot Note
АСГ30П-002 18360024 2004 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-4 Моршанск)
АСГ30П-006 18360065 2005 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-23 Димитровград)
АСГ30П-009 18360099 2005 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-28 Круглое Поле)
АСГ30П-018 18360180 2006 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-16 Дёма)
АСГ30П-049 18360495 2009 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-9 Октябрьск)
АСГ30П-060 18360602 2010 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-5 Кузнецк)
АСГ30П-091 18360916 2011 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-7 Жигулевское Море)
АСГ30П-108 18361089 08.2012 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-23 Димитровград)
АСГ30П-117 18361170 2012 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-11 Самара)
АСГ30П-130 18361303 2013 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330 (ПЧ-23 Димитровград) * АПРМЗ
АСГ30П-146 18361469 2013 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330
АСГ30П-188 18361881 2014 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330
АСГ30П-189 18361899 2014 KBSHrail-DI СПМС-330
АСГ30П-265 18362657 26.12.2016 2018 KBSHrail-DI ПЧ-27 Туймазы
АСГ30П-265 18362657 26.12.2016 PChM Syzran

Records shown: 15 of 15

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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