Lista pojazdów

Odeska Railway, DGKu

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Nr.ID Wyprodukowano Lokomotywownia Przypis
ДГку-273 18142737 1967 Service is the path ПЧ-11
ДГку-334 18143347 1968 Service is the path ПЧ-15 Херсон
ДГКу-866 18148668 1972 Service is the path ПЧ-23 Долинская
ДГКу-1056 18150565 1973 Service is the path ПЧ-5
ДГку-1165 18151654 1974 Service is the path ПЧ-14
ДГку-1330 18153304 1975 Service is the path ПЧ-12
ДГку-1411 18154112 1975 Service is the path ПЧ-7 Гайворон
ДГКу/5-1461 18174615 09.1975 Service is the path ПЧ-21
ДГКу-1632 18156323 1976 Service is the path ПЧ-6 Черкассы
ДГКу-1853 18158535 1977 Service is the path ПЧ-8
ДГку-1996 18159962 1977 Service is the path ПЧ-3 Котовськ
ДГку-2067 18140673 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-1
ДГку-2118 18141184 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-23
ДГку-2278 18142786 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-15 Херсон
ДГКу-2305 18143057 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-9
ДГку-2349 18143495 1979 Service is the path ПЧ-6 Черкассы
ДГку-2420 18174284 Service
ДГКу/5-2428 18174284 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-22 Одесса-Сортировочная
ДГКу-2437 18144378 Service is the path ПЧ-5
ДГКу-2509 18145094 1979 Service is the path ПЧ-10 Знаменка
ДГку-2622 18146225 1979 Service is the path ПЧ-14
ДГКу-2642 18146423 1979 Service is the path ПЧ-2
ДГку-2699 18146993 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-21
ДГКу-2753 18147538 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-17
ДГку-2802 18148023 Service is the path ПЧ-5
ДГку-2874 18148742 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-13
ДГку-2963 18149633 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-4
ДГКу-3080 18150805 1981 Service is the path ПЧ-3
ДГку-3094 18150946 1981 Service is the path ПЧ-16 Снигирёвка
ДГку-3327 18153270 1982 Service is the path ПЧ-6
ДГку/5-3466 18154666 1982 Service is the path ПЧ-1
ДГКу-3546 18155465 1982 Service is the path ПЧ-22
ДГКу-3673 18156737 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-2
ДГКу-3687 18156877 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-12
ДГКу-3697 18156976 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-10
ДГКу-3777 18157776 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-3
ДГКу-3884 18158840 1984 Service is the path ПЧ-11
ДГку-3967 18158675 1985 Service is the path ПЧ-13 Вознесенск
ДГку-3976 18149765 1984 Service is the path ПЧ-7 Гайворон
ДГКу-4196 18149963 1984 Service is the path ПЧ-21
ДГКу/5-4304 18173047 1985 Signaling & comm ШЧ-14
ДГку-4421 18159210 1985 Service is the path ПЧ-23
ДГКу/5-4446 18159467 11.1985 Service is the path ПЧ-12
ДГКу-4520 18158204 1986 Service is the path ПЧ-9
ДГКу-4629 18159293 1986 Service is the path ПЧ-5
ДГку/5-4867 18179671 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-16 Снигирёвка
ДГку/5-5068 18159681 1988 Service is the path ПЧ-17
ДГку/5-5078 18159780 1988 Service
ДГку/5-5182 18159822 1988 Signaling & comm ШЧ-1
ДГку/5-5189 1988 Private Морской порт Южный

Pokazano wpisów: 50 z 50

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