Svi komentari na fotografije korisnika EG 3108

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Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 19.09.2023 22:36 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 222 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Thanks :)
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
mishoffs · 19.09.2023 21:18 MSK
Nema objavljenih fotografija
Nice catch!
+2 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 19.09.2023 18:44 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 222 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
With a day in Denmark, no sleep for 30 hours at this point and a meetup with a local friend it had the ingredients for a good day, one thing was missing. A photo of an EG! EG 3108 made this a reality with a mxied freight from Malmo (S) - Maschen (DE). These locomotives from the Siemens/ Krauss-Maffei Eurosprinter are unique with their CoCo wheel arangement so that they can manage the gradients on the Germany - Sweden corridor.
+6 / –0