List of series and models


Sort by:  alphabet  ·  quantity

In the “Quantity” column: all vehicles / in service only.

Models in regular service

IÉ 22000 Class 63 / 63 List
IÉ 8100 Class 38 / 38 List
IÉ 8500, 8510, 8520 Class 34 / 34 List
C3K, C4K 29 / 29 List
IÉ 2800 Class 20 / 20 List
JT22CW 18 / 18 List
IÉ 2600 Class 17 / 16 List
IÉ 8200 Class 5 / 0 List
IÉ 2700/2750 Class 1 / 0 List
Total225 / 218