
Railway District/Company:Finland railway
Model:Hv1 (H8)
Builder:Tampere-Pellava и Rauta-Teollisuus Osake-Yhtiö   Tampere
Works number:237
Written off:01.1940
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
1918 — после закрытия границ был брошен, 04.1921 – изъят. Выкуплен VR обратно 03.1928 г. и возвращён в эксплуатацию
24.12.1939 — Damaged beyond repair in an accident at Karkku.

January 1940   
Written off

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Finland railway → Tampere → Hv1 (H8)
—  Finland railway → Tampere
—  Finland railway → Hv1 (H8)
—  Hv1 (H8)